Writing hello world in perl is almost to simple to justify a post, however there are some caveats and for completeness of this group of posts, it will be included.
Step 1 Install Perl (5.x)
Once installed, make sure that you can access the perl executable. If perl is not in the path, you will need to add it.
Step 2 Create a Perl Source file
______________________Source File____________________________
print ("Hello World in Perl from ecocrypt.blogspot.com")
______________________End Source____________________________
save the source to a file called helloworld.pl (or any other name of your choice)
Step 3 Tell Perl to execute the input file
prompt % perl helloworld.pl
Hello World in Perl from ecocrypt.blogspot.com
Congratulate yourself! You have successfully installed perl, create a perl source file, and executed it.